Shock occurs when there is not enough blood flowing to the cells of the body. The victim may not be responding if they are reacting to shock. The most common causes of shock are:
– Losing a severe amount of blood that you may or may not be able to see
– Has a severe heart attack
– Has a severe allergic reaction
A person in shock may show the following symptoms:
– Feel weak, faint, or dizzy
– Feel nauseous or thirsty
– Have pale or grayish skin
– Act restless, agitated, or confused
– Be cold or clammy to the touch
First Aid Steps:
1. Make sure that the scene is safe.
2. Phone or send someone to call for emergency response (911 or otherwise)
3. Help the person lie on his/her back.
4. Cover the person in shock to keep him/her warm.
5. See if the person needs CPR. If he/she does, give CPR. If you do not know how to do CPR, give Hands-Only CPR.