June 24, 2012 was no ordinary day for retired Marine Jim Sprecher. It was the day he had a heart attack. He had just walked into the house from the garage, told his wife to call 911 and collapsed.
Fortunately for Sprecher, his wife is CPR certified. She immediately began compressions while on the phone with an emergency dispatcher, and did not stop until paramedics arrived. Jim spent four days in the hospital in the ICU. “…they explained to me what happened and what they did and I’m very lucky to be here,” Sprecher said.
Since that fateful day in June, Jim and his wife have been preaching the importance of becoming CPR-certified to anyone who is willing to listen. Jim is even going to share his story at an event sponsored by the local hospital called “Save-a-Life CPR Blitz”. The purpose of the event? To increase CPR knowledge around the community. This is the event’s fifth year, and Jim and his wife are hopeful that more and more people will learn CPR and become uneducated.